Le Guishu – Non filtré
Le Guishu – Non filtré
Le GuiShu創辦人Olivier Sublett出生於法國波爾多的葡萄酒家族,憑著他敢於創新、勇於嘗試的精神,為法國帶來了第一款以大米精釀而成的米酒,把法國人的釀酒傳統的巧思灌注入樂桂樹之中。
樂桂枝採用法國原產稻米,分成三款:Assemblage、Non filtré、Usami,更用上法國畫家Tom Garcia繪畫的中國墨水畫的酒標,別具格調之餘更有中西合璧之意。
Non filtré則用上100%大米釀造,稻米的幽香更為清晰,酒體圓潤,充滿梨子及異國水果的味道,發酵的大米味道雜陳著清甜的荔枝香。
Color : Greenish yellow
Type: Semi Dry
Nose: Discreet, clear and pure. Frank like a Canadian Icewine. The rose & lychee are also here but not so strong. But pear and pineapple appear.
Palate: Very charming attack, round and fruity. The palate is fresh, powerful and so tasty. The final brings lots of exotic fruits.
Recommended for: It is a champion on dishes with mixed flavors; spicy, sweet and sour, sweet and salty. Also, salty dishes; dry hams, cold cuts, tapas.Most cheese.